Merchant Top Up (1.0)


Merchant Top Up's provides a service that allows users topup their wallet using merchant wallet balance.

TLS implementation

The PayPay Open Payment API requires that you use TLS 1.2 or higher as a security measure. Note that you cannot connect with TLS1.0 and TLS1.1.

Onboard merchant

To start utilizing our Open Payment API platform, at first the business needs to be onboarded as a PayPay merchant.

This process usually consists of information collection, manual verification, contract confirmation and credentials issuance.

After becoming a merchant on PayPay, the following items would be setup for the client:

  • api key and secret
  • allowed authorization callback domains
  • user authorization validity time
  • webhook endpoints
  • client IP whitelist

This setup can be managed using our merchant panel/ getting in touch with the sales representative.

Acquire user authorization

To be able to collect payment from PayPay user’s wallet, you need to obtain user’s authorization explicitly.

Acquiring user authorization can be achieved using our simple account linking flow here.

Specify "merchant_topup" for SCOPE.

OPA API Authorization

Everything related to OPA API Authorization is described here.

Specify merchant in request

Every time an API is called, the merchant identifier needs to be passed along with the request. There are two ways to pass the merchant identifier:

In a query string parameter:


Or in HTTP headers:


If both are provided, the query string parameter would take precedence.

Error Handling

PayPay OPA uses HTTP response status codes and OPA error code to indicate the success or

failure of the requests. With these information, you can decide what error handling strategy

to use. In general, PayPay OPA return the following http status codes.

Response code list

Common response code

Status Code Description
200 SUCCESS Success
400 INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMS The infomation provided by the request contains invalid data, e.g., unsupported currency.
400 MISSING_REQUEST_PARAMS The set parameter is invalid.
401 UNAUTHORIZED No valid api key and secret provided
401 INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The specified user authorization ID is invalid.
401 EXPIRED_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The user authorization ID expired
401 OP_OUT_OF_SCOPE The operation is not permitted.
404 OPA_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND OPA Client not found
429 RATE_LIMIT Too many requests
500 SERVICE_ERROR A service error has occurred.
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR This code indicates that something went wrong, but we don't know exactly if the transaction has happened or not. It should be treated as unknown payment status.
503 MAINTENANCE_MODE Sorry, we are down for scheduled maintenance.

Merchant Top Up

Status Code Description
400 INVALID_PARAMS The set parameter is invalid.
400 CANCELED_USER Canceled user
400 SUSPECTED_DUPLICATE_ORDER The same order is created multiple times.
400 UNACCEPTABLE_OP The requested operation is not able to be processed due to the current condition, e.g., the user is suspecious.
400 USER_STATE_IS_NOT_ACTIVE The request cannot be accepted because the user status is inactive.
400 NO_SUFFICIENT_FUND There is no sufficient fund for the transaction.
400 KYC_NOT_COMPLETED This is returned if user has not completed KYC in case of target account type (targetAccount) EMONEY.
400 LIMIT_EXCEEDED This is returned when the topup amount is not under the limit or merchant wallet balance exceeded.
400 DUPLICATE_TOPUP_REQUEST This is returned when there is a topup request of same merchantTopupId with different amount.
404 RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Account not found
500 TRANSACTION_FAILED Transaction failed

Get topup details

Status Code Description
404 RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Order not found
Status Code Description
401 INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The specified user authorization ID is invalid.

Get user authorization status

Status Code Description
400 CANCELED_USER The user has canceled their PayPay account.
401 INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The specified user authorization ID is invalid.


The recommended timeout setting is specified in each API. The most important one is for the

payment creation api, where the read timeout should not be less than 30 seconds. When timeout

happens, it should be treated as unknown payment status.

Handle unknown payment status

There are two ways to react with this situation

  1. Use the query api to query the transaction status. If the original transaction was failed or not found in PayPay, you can start a new transaction for the same purpose.

  2. Or, you can cancel the transaction, if the cancel api is provided. After the cancellation is accepted, you can start a new transaction for the same purpose.

API execution result associated with user authorization status change

API execution may fail due to user authorization status change. The assumed user status and the corresponding API execution results are as follows. In other APIs, no error occurs due to status change.

Merchant Top up

user status
terminate PayPayuser authorization expiredDeauthorization in app operation
http status:401
http status:401
http status:401
*If you execute Merchant Top up for users who terminated by 2022/2/25,
 The error code will be "VALIDATION_FAILED_EXCEPTION".

Get user authorization status

user status
terminate PayPayuser authorization expiredDeauthorization in app operation
http status:400
http status:200
data.expiresAt < current date
http status:200


Everything related to PayPay Wallet balance

Merchant Top up

Transfer money to user balance

Timeout: 50s

query Parameters

(Optional) If the parameter is set to "true", the payment duplication check will be bypassed.

Request Body schema: application/json


string (MerchantTopUpId) <= 64 characters

The unique user credit transaction id provided by merchant

string (UserAuthorizationId) <= 64 characters

The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow

object (MoneyAmount)
integer (EpochTime)

Epoch timestamp in seconds


The user account type. If you want to put money into PREPAID account explicitly, please set "PREPAID". If you want to put money into EMONEY account explicitly, please set "EMONEY" and the user's KYC must be completed. Otherwise(targetAccount is not specified), the account will be decided depend on user's KYC status.

string <= 255 characters

Description of the topup


This parameter is obsolete.
The item is retained for backward compatibility and will be removed in a future release.


Request samples

Content type
  • "merchantTopUpId": "string",
  • "userAuthorizationId": "string",
  • "amount": {
  • "requestedAt": 0,
  • "targetAccount": "PREPAID",
  • "orderDescription": "string",
  • "metadata": { }

Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": {

Get top up details

Get topup details

Timeout: 15s

path Parameters
string (MerchantTopUpId) <= 64 characters

The unique user credit transaction id provided by merchant


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": {


Unlink user

Unlink a user from the client

Timeout: 15s

path Parameters
string (UserAuthorizationId) <= 64 characters

The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {

Get user authorization status.

Get the authorization status of a user

Timeout: 15s

path Parameters
string (UserAuthorizationId) <= 64 characters

The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": {

Recon file

PayPay generates a topup file by daily processing and notifies it by Webhook.


Click here for the latest FAQ.


Date of Documentation Update Date of Release Type of Change Section Updates
2023.07.04 Released Documentation Fix Merchant Top up, Get top up details Updated the description of metadata.
2024.03.12 Released Documentation Fix Merchant Top up, Get top up details Added that the metadata is obsolete.

File linkage specifications

Category Description Note
File linkage method Webhook
File Name topup_<merchant_id>_<from>_<to>.csv
File creation unit merchant_id
Processing cycle (JST) Daily Transactions from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
Notification time (JST) Between 2:00 and 10:00
format CSV
File retention period 20 days If the recon file cannot be obtained due to a merchant failure, etc., PayPay will be able to resend the webhook.
Please contact us if you would like to be notified again.
File acquisition period 2hours
character code(Contents) Shift_JIS
character code(file name) UTF-8
newline code CRLF

File layout

Key Value from Note
topup_id order_id Order ID issued by PayPay.
merchant_topup_id merchantTopUpId Merchant topup id issued by Merchant.
transaction_type TOPUP / TOPUP_REVERSE Transactions success and reversed types
merchant_id merchant_id Merchant ID issued by PayPay.
amount amount Topup amount
currency currency JPY
target_account target_account target_account specified by merchant, default PREPAID.
requested_at requested_at topup requested time
processed_at paidAt Topup processed time successfully
state state COMPLETED. For reversed transactions, there will be two records in the file, TOPUP and TOPUP_REVERSE, the state of both is COMPLETED. Failed topup transactions are not included in recon file

Download Sample File

Webhook notifications

Get the file from the path notified by the webhook.

  "notification_id": "<UUID>",
  "requestedAt":"<epoch time>"