PayPay Points API (Formerly known as Cashback API or Balance API) (1.1)


PayPay Open Payment API (OPA) is designed to be used by our payment partners to make payment-related operations in different scenarios, so as to deliver the best payment experience to end users. After being onboarded as a PayPay OPA client, depending on the contract, you will have the capability on one or more of the below:

  • Collect payment by directly debiting from PayPay user’s wallet
  • Create a dynamic QR code to collect payment on PayPay App
  • Use pre-authorization and capture payment flow to facilitate your purchase procedure
  • Easy web application integration with PayPay cashier page to collect payment
  • Build your own checkout experience with rich APIs provided by PayPay
  • Gratification Solution for granting Cashback to users

This document will be focusing on APIs that support the last solution to grant cashback to users.

TLS implementation

The PayPay Open Payment API requires that you use TLS 1.2 or higher as a security measure. Note that you cannot connect with TLS1.0 and TLS1.1.

Onboard merchant

To start utilizing our Open Payment API platform, at first the business needs to be onboarded onboard as a PayPay merchant. This process usually consists of information collection, manual verification, contract confirmation and credentials issuance.

After becoming a merchant on PayPay, the following items would be setup for the client:

  • api key and secret
  • allowed authorization callback domains
  • user authorization validity time
  • webhook endpoints
  • client IP whitelist
  • merchant identifier (merchant_id) (for agent client)

This setup can be managed using our merchant panel/ getting in touch with the sales representative.

Acquire user authorization

To be able to grant cashback to a PayPay user’s wallet, you need to obtain user’s authorization explicitly.

Acquiring user authorization can be achieved using our simple account linking flow here.

For SCOPE, "cashback" is to be set.

OPA API Authorization

Everything related to OPA API Authorization is described here.

Specify merchant in request

Every time an API is called, the merchant identifier needs to be passed along with the request. There are two ways to pass the merchant identifier:

In a query string parameter:


Or in HTTP headers:


If both are provided, the query string parameter would take precedence.

Error Handling

PayPay OPA uses HTTP response status codes and OPA error code to indicate the success or failure of the requests. With these information, you can decide what error handling strategy to use. In general, PayPay OPA return the following http status codes.

Response code list

Common response code

Status Code Message
200 SUCCESS Success
202 REQUEST_ACCEPTED Request accepted
400 INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMS The information provided by the request contains invalid data, e.g., unsupported currency.
401 OP_OUT_OF_SCOPE The operation is not permitted
400 MISSING_REQUEST_PARAMS The set parameter is invalid.
401 UNAUTHORIZED No valid api key and secret provided.
404 OPA_CLIENT_NOT_FOUND OPA Client not found
429 RATE_LIMIT Too many requests
500 SERVICE_ERROR A service error has occurred.
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR This code indicates that something went wrong, but we don't know exactly if the transaction has happened or not. It should be treated as unknown payment status.
503 MAINTENANCE_MODE Sorry, we are down for scheduled maintenance.

Give Cashback to User

Status Code Message
400 VALIDATION_FAILED_EXCEPTION Error occurs while handling request params.
For example, this error code will be thrown if merchantCashbackId same as the one in requests which failed granting cashback in the past is set.
400 FAILURE Duplicate transaction error
401 INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The specified user authorization ID is invalid
401 EXPIRED_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The user authorization ID expired
404 RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Campaign id not found
500 UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Unauthorized access to resource server

Check Cashback Details

Status Code Message
200 NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY* Not enough balance in the campaign budget to complete the cashback transaction
200 BALANCE_OUT_OF_LIMIT* The receiver(PayPay user)'s balance exceeds limit.
200 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR* Internal service error while processing the cashback transaction
404 TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND Transaction not found
500 UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Unauthorized access to resource server

*Note : Give cashback API is async process, merchant can call Check Cashback Details API to know the status of the cashback transaction. For some error scenarios listed above will return reason for the failure as error code in the response with HTTP status 200. Check here for details.

Reverse a given cashback

Status Code Message
400 VALIDATION_FAILED_EXCEPTION Error handling request params or trying to cancel PayPay Money Lite which is not cancelable.
404 TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND Transaction not found
500 UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Unauthorized access to resource server

Check Cashback Reversal Details

Status Code Message
404 TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND Transaction not found
500 UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS Unauthorized access to resource server

Cashback Event

Status Code Description
200 SUCCESS Cashback is granted successfully
200 NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY Not enough balance in the campaign budget to complete the cashback transaction
200 BALANCE_OUT_OF_LIMIT The receiver(PayPay user)'s balance exceeds limit
200 INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR Internal service error while processing the cashback transaction

Get user authorization status

Status Code Message
400 CANCELED_USER The user has canceled PayPay account.
401 INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The specified user authorization ID is invalid.

Get masked user profile

Status Code Message
401 INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The specified user authorization ID is invalid.
Status Code Description
401 INVALID_USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID The specified user authorization ID is invalid.


The recommended timeout setting is specified in each API. The most important one is for the payment creation api, where the read timeout should not be less than 30 seconds. When timeout happens, it should be treated as unknown payment status.

Handle unknown payment status

There are two ways to react with this situation

  1. Use the query api to query the transaction status. If the original transaction was failed or not found in PayPay, you can start a new transaction for the same purpose.

  2. Or, you can cancel the transaction, if the cancel api is provided. After the cancellation is accepted, you can start a new transaction for the same purpose.

Please check here for additional FAQs for OPA

API execution result associated with user authorization status change

API execution may fail due to user authorization status change. The assumed user status and the corresponding API execution results are as follows. In other APIs, no error occurs due to status change.

Get user authorization status

user status
terminate PayPayuser authorization expiredDeauthorization in app operation
http status:400
http status:200
data.expiresAt < current date
http status:200

Give Cashback to User、Get masked user profile

user status
terminate PayPayuser authorization expiredDeauthorization in app operation
http status:401
http status:401
http status:401
*If you execute above APIs for users who terminated by 2022/2/25,
 The error code will be "VALIDATION_FAILED_EXCEPTION".

Get Cashback Balance

PayPay merchant can know user's cashback balance using Get user wallet balance api by passing productType as POINT (please reach out to your Sales Representative and Integration Manager to add this configuration at PayPay’s end) in the request.

Deduct Cashback Balance

PayPay merchant can use user's cashback balance for making a payment using Create a payment api by passing productType as POINT (please reach out to your Sales Representative and Integration Manager to add this configuration at PayPay’s end) in the request.

Grant & Reverse Cashback

Everything related to user wallet balance, Give Cashback to user and Check Cashback Details process is shown here

Please note that, Reverse Cashback and Check Cashback Reversal Details process same as above.

Give Cashback to User

Gives the balance to the user. This API only accepts cashback and grants them by asynchronous processing on the PayPay side.
Please see Check Cashback Details for the results of the cashback.

Timeout: 30s

Request Body schema: application/json


string <= 64 characters

The unique cashback transaction id provided by merchant.
If you specify the same merchantCashbackId, the http response will be resulted in an error.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _

string (UserAuthorizationId) <= 64 characters

The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow

object (MoneyAmount)
integer (EpochTimeWithValidation)

Epoch timestamp in seconds
It must be exact time when you send the request. If the time is not correct, the request will be rejected.

string <= 255 characters

Description of the order


Specify the balance type to be given to the user.
PREPAID:PayPay Money Lite
If omitted, CASHBACK is set.


This parameter is obsolete.
The item is retained for backward compatibility and will be removed in a future release.


Request samples

Content type
  • "merchantCashbackId": "string",
  • "userAuthorizationId": "string",
  • "amount": {
  • "requestedAt": 1704112496,
  • "orderDescription": "string",
  • "walletType": "CASHBACK",
  • "metadata": { }

Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": { }

Check Cashback Details

Check the cashback details of the cashback given

Timeout: 10s

path Parameters
string (MerchantCashbackId) <= 64 characters

The unique cashback transaction id provided by merchant.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": {

Reverse a given cashback

Transfer money back from user wallet to merchants campaign wallet.
This API only accepts cashback cancellations, and cancels them through asynchronous processing on the PayPay side.
Only PayPay Point(walletType="CASHBACK") cancellations are allowed, and grantings on PayPay Money Lite(walletType="PREPAID") are not cancelable.
Please see to the Check Cashback Reversal Details for the results of canceling the cashback.

Timeout: 40s

Request Body schema: application/json


string (MerchantCashbackReversalId) <= 64 characters

The unique cashback reversal transaction id provided by merchant.
If you specify the same merchantCashbackReversalId, the http response will be resulted in an error.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _

string (MerchantCashbackId) <= 64 characters

The unique cashback transaction id provided by merchant.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _

object (MoneyAmount)
integer (EpochTimeWithValidation)

Epoch timestamp in seconds
It must be exact time when you send the request. If the time is not correct, the request will be rejected.

string <= 255 characters

Reason for reversing the cashback


This parameter is obsolete.
The item is retained for backward compatibility and will be removed in a future release.


Request samples

Content type
  • "merchantCashbackReversalId": "string",
  • "merchantCashbackId": "string",
  • "amount": {
  • "requestedAt": 1704112496,
  • "reason": "string",
  • "metadata": { }

Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": { }

Check Cashback Reversal Details

Check the cashback reversal details of the cashback reversed

Timeout: 10s

path Parameters
string (MerchantCashbackReversalIdSimple) <= 64 characters

The unique cashback reversal transaction id provided by merchant.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _

string (MerchantCashbackId) <= 64 characters

The unique cashback transaction id provided by merchant.
Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": {

User Status

Checking Users Authorization Status

Get user authorization status

Get the authorization status of a user

Timeout: 15s

path Parameters
string (UserAuthorizationId) <= 64 characters

The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": {

Get masked user profile

Get the masked phone number of the user

query Parameters
string (UserAuthorizationId) <= 64 characters

The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": {

Unlink user

Unlink a user from the client

Timeout: 15s

path Parameters
string (UserAuthorizationId) <= 64 characters

The PayPay user reference id returned by the user authorization flow


Response samples

Content type
  • "resultInfo": {
  • "data": { }

Webhook Setup

PayPay can send webhook events that notify your application at the time when event happens on your account. To receive the notification, the client needs to set up a webhook url where we will use HTTP POST to send data to the client. Each notification event will have one notification_type field which can be used by clients to determine which event has happened.

When your application receives the notification via webhook, it should respond with a HTTP 200 OK status code. Although not required, a response body with a short text description (like "OK") is recommended.

PayPay will try to resend the notification if no response back or response back with high delay, which means the notification can possibly have more than one times.

  • There is a timeout of 2 seconds. If there is no response back within that period, PayPay will try to resend the notification.
  • The retry will be done for a maximum of 3 times.
  • There will be a delay of 100 milliseconds between each retry.

Three endpoints for webhook, as shown in the following table.

No. name purpose
1 accountLinkCallbackUrl Receives account linking and revoking event notifications
2 giveCashbackCallbackUrl Receives give cashback notifications
3 reverseCashbackCallbackUrl Receives reverse cashback notifications

Please keep reading to learn for which events we currently send webhook notifications.

Customer Events

Events related to user state changes.


This notification is sent after the client successfuly acuqired the user's authorization.

  "notification_type": "customer.authroization.succeeded",
  "notification_id": "evt_aXnbdeFt2Ke",
  "createdAt": "1349654313",
  "referenceId": "yyyy",
  "nonce": "12345",
  "scopes": "cashback",
  "userAuthorizationId": "xxxxx",
  "profileIdentifier": "*******5678",
  "expiry": 1234567  // the authorization id expiration epoch timestamp in seconds


This notification is sent after the client failed to acuqire after going through the user authorization flow.

  "notification_type": "customer.authroization.failed",
  "notification_id": "evt_aXnbdeFt2Ke",
  "createdAt": "1349654313",
  "referenceId": "yyyy",
  "nonce": "12345",
  "result": "declined",  // or bad_request
  "reason": "invalid scope"

The result in the payload could be either declined if the the request is rejected by user, or bad_request if there are invalid info in the request.


This notification is sent after a user revoked the ever granted authorization from the PayPay app.

  "notification_type": "customer.authroization.revoked",
  "notification_id": "evt_aXnbdeFt2Ke",
  "createdAt": "1349654313",
  "userAuthorizationId": "xxxxx",
  "referenceId": "yyyy"


In order to ease third party account linking experience, we will increase user authorization expiry from the date of last transaction/ grant. So merchants and users will have to give authorization less often.

This notification is sent after user's authorization is extended from PayPay side.

  "notification_type": "customer.authroization.extended",
  "notification_id": "evt_aXnbdeFt2Ke",
  "createdAt": "1349654313",
  "scopes": "cashback",
  "userAuthorizationId": "xxxxx",
  "expiry": 1234567  // the authorization id expiration epoch timestamp in seconds


This notification will be sent after a user has been deleted.

sample event:

  "notification_type": "customer.authroization.canceled",
  "notification_id": "evt_aXnbdeFt2Ke",
  "createdAt": "1349654313",
  "userAuthorizationId": "xxxxx"

Cashback Events

Events related to cashback.

give cashback

This notification is sent to notify the cashback result to a merchant. The request body is same as the response body of the Check Cashback Details API.

  "resultInfo": {
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "codeId": "08100001",
    "message": "SUCCESS"
  "data": {
    "cashbackId": "12345-test10",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "acceptedAt": 1566278399,
    "merchantAlias": "testMerchant",
    "merchantCashbackId": "test10",
    "userAuthorizationId": "de9f3b76-3820-4136-a54c-8068c9b7d03d",
    "amount": {
      "amount": 10,
      "currency": "JPY"
    "requestedAt": 1566278399,
    "orderDescription": "Description of the order",
    "walletType": "CASHBACK",
    "metadata": {}

If cashback fails, the following WEBHOOK will be sent. Error codes are mentioned in Cashback Event under Error Handling section.

  "resultInfo": {
    "code": "NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY",
    "message": "Not enough balance in the campaign budget to complete the cashback transaction",
    "codeId": "WAL_500017"
  "data": {
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "acceptedAt": 1566278399,
    "merchantAlias": "266952919408074752",
    "amount": {
      "amount": 10,
      "currency": "JPY"
    "requestedAt": 1601962499,
    "cashbackId": "12345-test10",
    "merchantCashbackId": "test10",
    "userAuthorizationId": "de9f3b76-3820-4136-a54c-8068c9b7d03d",
    "orderDescription": "Description of the order",
    "walletType": "CASHBACK",
    "metadata": {}

reverse cashback

This notification is sent to notify the cashback reverse result to a merchant.

The request body is same as the response body of the Check Cashback Reversal Details API and error codes are mentioned in Cashback Event under Error Handling section.

  "resultInfo": {
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "codeId": "08100001",
    "message": "SUCCESS"
  "data": {
    "cashbackReversalId": "121904701032398848-rc_31922956-8e06-45aa-9a3a-bb6ba1e1b0d8_1_cancel",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "acceptedAt": 1566278399,
    "merchantAlias": "testMerchant",
    "merchantCashbackReversalId": "rc_31922956-8e06-45aa-9a3a-bb6ba1e1b0d8_1_cancel"
    "merchantCashbackId": "c_31922956-8e06-45aa-9a3a-bb6ba1e1b0d8_1",
    "userAuthorizationId": "null",
    "amount": {
      "amount": 10,
      "currency": "JPY"
    "requestedAt": 1566278399,
    "reason": "reversing reason",
    "metadata": {}

Cashback recon file

PayPay generates a transaction file by daily processing and notifies it by Webhook.

File linkage specifications

Category Description Note
File linkage method Webhook
File Name cashback_<merchant_id>_<from>_<to>.csv
File creation unit merchant_id
Processing cycle 4 times a day. Transactions for the time periods of 18:00-23:59, 0:00-05:59, 06:00-11:59, 12:00-17:59 are included.
Notification time See the right column. A file is created for each execution cycle and notified after completion.
The standard is 2 to 4 hours after the execution cycle, but the notification time varies depending on the volume of transactions.
Notification is made in units of execution cycles; a day's worth of notifications cannot be made at once.
format CSV
File acquisition period 2hours
File retention period 1 week If the recon file cannot be obtained due to a merchant failure, etc., PayPay will be able to resend the webhook.
Please contact us if you would like to be notified again.
character code(Contents) UTF-8
character code(file name) UTF-8
newline code CRLF

File layout

Key Value from Note
merchant_cashback_id merchantCashbackId merchantCashbackId issued by Mercahnt.
merchant_cashback_reversal_id merchantCashbackReversalID Only if cashback is reversal.
cashback_id cashback_id cashback_id issued by PayPay.
merchant_id MerchantID issued by PayPay.
amount amount Amount
currency currency JPY
wallet_type wallet_type CASHBACK / PREPAID
expiry_date expiryDate Only if expiryDate is specified.
order_description orderDescription Order description.
requested_at requestedAt YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+09:00 (UTC, ISO8601)
accepted_at acceptedAt YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+09:00 (UTC, ISO8601)

Download Sample File

Webhook notifications

Get the file from the path notified by the webhook.

  "notification_id": "<UUID>",
  "requestedAt":"<epoch time>"


Click here for the latest FAQ.


Date of Documentation Update Date of Release Type of Change Section Updates
2024.07.09 2024.08.01 Documentation Fix API name Specified the name of the API as "PayPay Points API".
2023.01.12 2023.01.13 Description Get Cashback Balance and Deduct Cashback Balance Updated the description of these sections to reach PayPay team to update the configuration
2023.01.19 Released Feature Reverse a given cashback Changed the descriptions of MerchantCashbackReversalId and MerchantCashbackId.
2023.01.19 Released Feature Check Cashback Reversal Details Changed the description of the ACCEPTED status.
2023.04.07 Released Feature File-linkage-specifications Changed the description of notification time.
2023.07.04 Released Documentation Fix Give Cashback to User, Check Cashback Details, Reverse a given cashback, Check Cashback Reversal Details Updated the description of metadata.
2023.08.16 Released Documentation Fix Changed the description of VALIDATION_FAILED_EXCEPTION.
2023.11.10 2023.11.13 Feature Add character validation for merchantCashbackId and merchantCashbackReversalId
2024.03.12 Released Documentation Fix Give Cashback to User, Check Cashback Details, Reverse a given cashback, Check Cashback Reversal Details Added that the metadata is obsolete.
2024.09.17 2024.10.21 Feature Give Cashback to User, Reverse a given cashback Added description about validation of requestedAt
2024.10.08 TBD Description Webhook Setup Add description about webhook retries.